Ground transportation & airfield inspection process
improvement experts
100+ airports in 41 states, in 3 countries
use GateKeeper software

Decades of delivering flexible, reliable, cost-effective, and easy-to-use software.
GateKeeper Systems leads the industry in specialized ground transportation and airfield inspection systems for airports of all sizes. Many of our customers have operated for 10+ years with only routine maintenance costs.
Our innovative, turnkey systems automate onerous manual processes to streamline workflow and reduce costs as well as assure compliance with related airport, state, and FAA regulations.
No data security shortcut for your peace-of mind
Our systems provide a platform for collecting valuable information for use in making data-driven management decisions.
The safety and security of your data is critical as is the risk that data piracy presents. To that end, we’ve implemented a comprehensive program of policies and procedures that minimize the risk for your ground transportation data.
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Robust Ground Transportation and Airfield Inspection Product Suite
Commercial Vehicle Management System (CVMS)
An automated system that reduces labor and is exceptionally accurate, flexible, user friendly, and reliable. Controls high volumes of ground transportation and passenger vehicles. Helps manage airport security, vehicle congestion, operating costs and revenue generation.
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Patent Pending
Track and analyze airport TNC (RideShare/AppRide) vehicle and driver activity using nearly identical data that’s tracked using traditional tracking technologies such as RFID and LPR with no added infrastructure or equipment. Simple to use and can be operational in less than 3 weeks.
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Automates and simplifies compliance with FAA Part 139 daily airfield inspection requirements. Fully integrates documentation, inspection validations, and work orders for all airside maintenance tasks. No more paperwork to manage. Nothing falls through the cracks.
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Top-Notch On-Going Support
Nothing less than 24/7 access to our unmatched software support team is our promise. Connect directly anytime with the team that keeps our software running and available at all times. Their top priority is responding quickly to your issues or questions. They ‘get’ the critical nature of our software for airports to operate safely, securely, profitably, and smoothly.
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Some Articles of Interest

Tracking Technology
The number of choices now available to an airport for tracking the activity of vehicles and/or drivers make the selection process complex and challenging. Learn about options and their advantages and limitations.
Data Security
The risk of data piracy and cyber security makes this topic of critical import to airports. Understand how to protect your ground transportation programs, best practices to secure that data, and how to evaluate the security of 3rd party vendors.
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport System
An examination of the challenges and benefits of the implementation process of a ground transportation management system at the Austin-Bergstrom International Airport.
John Glenn Columbus International Airport System
Read about the investment in technology made by a medium sized hub airport. Learn about the challenges of implementing the various technologies, the benefits to be obtained in reduced or re-allocated manpower, customer service improvements, and increases in revenue control are addressed.